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Our Story


Kenyan Nurses In Diaspora is a non profit organization that was formed in 2018. A group of nurses came together and found the need to get together as professionals and support each other as they network and serve the community locally and globally.



Provide guidance and mentorship for Kenyan nurses to advance in their profession, promote self-care and the well-being of Kenyan communities.



Promote professional excellence and contribute to significant outcomes to healthcare and society locally and globally.


With its headquarters in Atlanta, GA, the organization had chapters in different states in the US and hoping to open more in Canada and other countries. 

KENID has continue to grow and touch lives in different ways. In  2019 the organization was able to sponsor a free health screening which attracted pts from all walks of life and status. Pt was were screened for Diabetes, Hypertension, Cholesterol levels, HIV, Breast cancers and many more. KENID also partnered with a  Medical Doctor,clinical psychologist and a dentist for the screening.  Over 300 patients were seen that day. A second screening that was scheduled for April was postponed due to  the pandemic.


Now that Covid-19’s behind us the  goal is to touch more lives  both in the diaspora and in Kenya  through health screening  and teaching healthy living. 


KENID  has partnered with local institutions in assisting nurses  in Kenya  to achieve their career goals by relocating and acquiring nursing jobs  in major hospitals across the USA . 


 KENID represents all specialty and academic levels up to Doctorate degree in Nursing. 


The dream is to one day acquire health institutions in the diaspora and in Kenya to help the community and great jobs.


KENID exists to make a difference in the lives of the community by empowering and educating them to reach their optimum health  goals. 

We’re inviting all the nurses in the diaspora to join this non profit organization as we give back to our community. 

Let’s Work Together

Get in touch so we can start working together.

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